Publisher: Oxford University Press
Edition: 1st Edition (August 2007)
ISBN: 978-0-19-927716-2
Price: £33.99
The authors of Family Law: Text, Cases and Materials wrote this book specifically as a teaching and learning aid for undergraduate family law courses. This is immediately evident in the style and layout they have adopted. The key elements of family law, including property and finances, the law relating to children and child protection are extremely accessible and set out in a manner which makes easy reading for those venturing into the study of family law.
Primary source material is quoted in shaded grey text boxes, making it immediately identifiable and ensuring that it does not get lost within the remainder of the text. Additionally, the book does not swamp the reader with too much information. But it is an excellent platform for further research because it provides an overview of fundamental principles which can be easily understood.
Some of the more complex aspects of family law are not mentioned, for example, same sex relationships and international laws relating to child adoption and abduction. This does not, however, diminish the value of the text since some of the topics which are not discussed can be found on the Online Resource Centre (which is a valuable source of further reading and information).
Family Law: Text, Cases and Materials is a must-read for students wishing to understand the basic principles of family law and is highly recommended.
Reviewed on 22 July 2008